Always delighted to collaborate and share knowledge with like-minded projects, SeeRRI jumped at the chance to team up with the LARS (Learning Among Regions on Smart Specialisation) project.
Through its consortium of partners from various European countries, LARS helps the public sector in leading smart specialisation processes in their regions and connects innovation networks across regions. This EU-funded project focuses on finding solutions for the fragmentation of regional innovation systems by seeking entrepreneurial discoveries within topics such as blue growth, bio and circular economy, advanced production methods and energy efficiency technologies.
Given the similar goals of the two projects regarding smart specialisation processes and sustainable growth, this partnership will clearly benefit both teams, opening a channel for knowledge exchange and collaboration.
On 27 November 2020, LARS invited SeeRRI coordinator Nhien Nguyen to present the SeeRRI process model for responsible regional planning at the conference “Unlocking innovation potential in Pomorskie through multi-actor collaboration”.
The LARS team also included the SeeRRI process model with an accompanying article written by Nhien Nguyen in its latest newsletter.
Have a look at it here: https://www.lars-project.eu/results/meetings-and-events/lars-newsletter-6
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