How can RRI principles impact the region for it to evolve?
Do you think there is value in replicating this type of approach in the future?
What is your understanding of what SeeRRI does?
How can RRI principles impact the region for it to evolve?
How can RRI principles impact the region for it to evolve?
How can RRI principles impact the region for it to evolve?
How can RRI principles impact the region for it to evolve?
2nd & 3rd Nordland stakeholder WS
How can RRI principles impact the region for it to evolve?
Why are the stakeholders workshop relevant in SeeRRI?
How does this type of workshops help you?
What do you expect from your engagement with SeeRRI?
What do you expect from your engagement with SeeRRI?
What do you expect from your engagement with SeeRRI?
Why are initiatives like SeeRRI important?
How can you apply RRI in your territory?
How can you apply RRI in your territory?
How can you apply RRI in your territory?
Building Self-SustainingResearch and InnovationEcosystems in Europe
What are the benefits of stakeholder workshops like SeeRRI?
What is your understanding of what SeeRRI does?
What is your understanding of what SeeRRI does?
What is your understanding of what SeeRRI does?
1st Nordland stakeholder WS to discuss responsible coastal management with key actors in Nordland
What is the value of stakeholders workshops like this one?
What is the value of stakeholders workshops like this one?
SeeRRI Stakeholder workshop in Lower Austria
SeeRRi stakeholder workshop in Barcelona
What is the value of stakeholders workshops like this one?
How do you think SeeRRI could impact territorial innovation in the mid/long-term?
How can your region apply gender equality strategies?
How do you think SeeRRi could impact territorial innovation in the mid/long-term?
How can RRI be implemented in your region?
How do you think SeeRRi could impact territorial innovation in the mid/long-term?
How can your region create a participative environment to ensure public engagement?
How can your region create a participate environment to ensure science education ? I RIM
How do you think SeeRRI could impact territorial innovation in the mid/long-term? | Anne Snick
What is the importance of science education in society? I Alan Hartman (University of Haifa)
How can RRI be implemented in your region?
What is TeRRIFICA projects about? I Marta Cayetano
How do you think RRI can contribute to build resilient territories? | Klaus Hitzenberger, SAB member
Why RRI should matter to citizens? | Angel Honrado (WeDo)
How can RRI be implemented in your University? | Alan Hartman (University of Haifa)
How can RRI be implemented in your region? Nhien Nguyen I NRI
How do you think RRI can contribute to build resilient territories?
What is SeeRRI to Tatiana Fernández from the Government of Catalonia?
Why RRI should matter to citizens?
Why RRI should matter to citizens?
What is Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)? | Katharina Fellnhofer (RIM)
What is Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)? I Giulia Bubbolini I Marie & Rosie projects.
What is Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)? | Angel Honrado (WeDo)
What is Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)? | Henrik D. Finsrud (SAB member)
What is Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)? | Xavier Ariño (UAB)
What is Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)? | Eivind Sommerseth (NHO Nordland)
What is Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)? | Anne Snick (SAB member)
What is Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)? | Klaus Hitzenberger (SAB member)
What is Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)? | Roland Sommer (SAB member)
What is Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)? | Katharina Fellnhofer (RIM)
What is Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)? | Alan Hartman (University of Haifa)
What is Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)? | Carlos Alvarez Pereira (Innaxis)
How can RRI be implemented in your institution? Marianne Hörlesberger I AIT
How can RRI be implemented in your institution? I Nhien Nguyen (NRI)
What is Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)? | Nhien Nguyen (NRI)
The SeeRRI project (short version)
The SeeRRI project
What is RRI?

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement nº 824588.

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