Barcelona Stakeholder Workshop 3 (On Line): Addressing the challenges towards the desired scenario : 29th September, 2020



1)      Objectives/contents of the workshop

This third workshop was aimed to mobilise the R&I actors of the B30 to propose solutions for the challenges previously identified. Consequently, the persons participating in the workshop were related (directly or indirectly) with the challenges, as proposers or as providers of solutions.

2)      Outcomes of such activities and expected impacts on the territories

The main outcome of these activity was the articulation of collective responses to the challenges of the B30 defined in previous meetings and workshops. It is based in the identification opportunities for collaboration (synergies, complementarities…) that promote new collaborative projects. At the end of the meeting, were defined four possible collaborative projects to provide solutions to four challenges::

  1. Revalorization of coffee waste
  2. Recovery of industrial wastewater
  3. Recovery and reuse of urban and forest biomass
  4. New processes of management and treatment of waste

These four projects are currently being developed in the context of Ideas Generation Program at the UAB:

  • NANOMEL: Wastewater and solid waste treatment with melanin nanoparticles.
  • SILVIN: Producing antioxidant for cosmetics from coffee waste .
  • SIVORG: Biogas production during the treatment of wastewater from the food industry.
  • WABIRE: Bioproduction of glycolic acid from the treatment of forest biomass