The SeeRRI project will be an active participant at the Third Dialogue of the #ResponsibleRegions cycle of webinars focused on applying RRI in regional contexts which will take place on 21 January.
Organised by EURADA and the TeRRItoria project, this is the latest event in a series of monthly webinars exploring the concepts of Smart Specialisation Strategy and Responsible Research and Innovation. The purpose is to bring together regional development agencies and local actors in order to share their valuable experience in applying S3 and RRI in regional polices and practices.
The title of the third instalment is “The Nordland case in SeeRRI: an approach to co-creating regional planning strategy”. SeeRRI partner and Senior Researcher at Nordland Research Institute, Nhien Nguyen will present the activities rolled out by the SeeRRI project in the Nordland territory centred on co-creation strategies.
This event is a great opportunity for discussion and debate on developing and adapting strategies for regional development, where the people directly involved take the floor to share their experience and then put their heads together to sound out further opportunities for RRI development.
Sign up for the webinar here.
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