Conference track related to RRI and learning organizations

Call for submission to the conference track related to RRI, named “Responsible Innovation in the Learning Organization”, chaired by SeeRRI project’s coordinator (Nordland Research Institute)

Learning Organization Conference



Track 1. Responsible Innovation in the Learning Organization – Call for submission (Link)

Session chairs: Nhien Nguyen, Jens Ørding Hansen and Are Jensen – Nordland Research Institute

The concept of responsible innovation has been attracting increasing attention among academics and practitioners in recent years (Stilgoe et al., 2013).

There are significant complementarities between the vision of a learning organization and currently influential notions of responsible innovation (Hansen et al., 2020). In fact some of the core qualities that characterize the learning organization according to Senge (1990) – such as openness, reflection, a shared vision, and an emphasis on collective inquiry – are qualities that directly define responsible innovation according to some interpretations of that concept, except that to qualify as a responsible innovator an organization must extend the scope of those qualities beyond its own boundaries to include other stakeholders in society in the innovation process.

Is it only a small step from being an innovating learning organization to becoming a responsibly innovating learning organization?

To contribute to this discussion, we invite empirical and theoretical papers that explore the linkages between the learning organization and responsible innovation. We welcome submissions that address, but not limited to, topic such as:

  • How the learning organization can facilitate responsible innovation.
  • Obstacles to responsible innovation in the learning organization.
  • The role of learning in responsible innovation.
  • How the learning organization should be adapted to meet particular standards of responsible conduct.
  • Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) for emerging technology industries, e.g. additive manufacturing / 3D printing, etc.
  • Organizational responses to government innovation policy.

Please send your one-page abstract to the session chair Nhien Nguyen (email: before 15 May 2020, and please copy Anders Örtenblad (at, who is the main conference organizer. Your abstract will be included in the program if you register for the conference. Full paper is due on 19 June 2020. As mentioned in the conference announcement, best papers will be considered for a special issue of The Learning Organization (TLO) (, published by Emerald (please note that this special issue will be realized only if there are an enough number of relevant papers – if not, best papers will be considered for a regular issue of TLO).


  • Stilgoe, J., Owen, R. and Macnaghten, P., 2013. Developing a framework for responsible innovation. Research Policy, 42(9), pp.1568-1580.
  • Senge, P., 1990. The fifth discipline: The art and practice of organizational learning. New York.
  • Hansen, J.Ø., Jensen, A. and Nguyen, N., 2020. ”The responsible learning organization: Can Senge (1990) teach organizations how to become responsible innovators?” The Learning Organization, Vol. 27 No.1.