
Nordland e-platform

Nordland talks I Kaja Langvik-Hansen, Leder Naturvernforbundet i Salten

Nordland talks I Kjell Giæver, General Manager, Petro Arctic

Nordland talks I Nhien Nguyen, SeeRRI project leader, Nordlandsforskning

Nordland talks I Dag Bastholm, Nordland Fylkeskommune (Nordland County Council)

Nordland talks I Torfinn Sørensen, Fylkesmannen i Nordland (County Governor of Nordland)

Nordland talks I Ken Tollaksen, Aker Solutions, Sandnessjøen

Nordland talks I Mira Bolsøy Aasjord (Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries) & Gyda Lorås (Akvaplan Niva)

Activities Update

  • The Nordland case was presented at the Missions Conference, organized by the Research Council of Norway, on 25/11/2020 (video/presentation)
  • Nordland stakeholder workshop has been reported by the Norwegian broadcaster NRK, you can find more information here.
  • An op-ed in the local newspaper Avisa Nordland about co-creating Nordland’s future can be found here.
  • Next steps: We are in the process of converting the workshops’ input into regional strategy. We will present the strategy to the Nordland stakeholders for feedback in late March 2021 (preferably on site, but possibly online). Please stay tuned, we will send out the invitation with more information later in the spring!

Nordland Stakeholder Workshops

Workshop 1: 15/9/2020 – Bodø ( program / keynote NRK News )
Workshop 2&3: 14-15/10/2020 ( program / summary of scenarios )

Nordland Webinare
Webinar 1: 18/6/2020 ( programm / protokoll )
Webinar 2: 27/8/2020 ( programm )
Nordland Stakeholder Workshops
Werkstatt 1: 15/9/2020 - Bodø ( programm / keynote / NRK nachrichten )
Werkstatt 2&3: 14-15/10/2020 - Bodø (upcoming)
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement nº 824588.

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